Saturday, October 07, 2006

Thursday's lecture

Thursday's lecture really made me think. At first, I didn't really think I would be able to relate since I do have a different background from most Basic Japanese learners-since I am half Japanese and have been exposed to it before (from my dad). However, I really enjoyed the lecture because she was talking about how we learn, a topic I don't ever think about because I just don't have time to think about it. She was saying how Japanese is a Class 4 language and out of Arabic, Chinese, Korean and Japanese, Japanese takes the most time to learn! The lecture made me admire what we are doing, what kind of challenge we're taking on. I was intrigued with how the Suzuki method applies not to just instruments but how we can learn Japanese. I completely agree with her about how you must master the pattern you are learning at that moment before you can go onto the next pattern. Without this, you will never excel in Japanese. She seemed very personable and I was so happy that she wasn't just another monotonous lecturer.

Thank you very much Fukai Sensei for inviting us to this lecture,



At 11:56 PM, Blogger yukki said...

You made me cry! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the lecture as much as I did (maybe more than I did). Yes, you are doing something amazing. I always admire your effort to learn Japanese and I am impressed by how fast you've come to the point where you are now. And as the lecture gave you the opportunity to think about your learning Japanese, it let me reflect my teaching and think how I can grow as a teacher, like you grow as a learner. これからもいっしょにがんばりましょう!

At 10:24 AM, Blogger さるさん said...

its interesting how techinques/approaches can apply to manny arts/disciplines. it's really appearent in the arts to an extent where doing one thing can help a completely unrelated skill. such as, in my experience, concepts of philosophy/litureature helping with movement oriented arts like dance and martial arts, and vice versa


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